Making the hearts in the round on the long loom has several advantages:
- they don't curl
- the front and back are made at the same time since they are made in the round
- they hold their shape
- the edges have a neat smooth chained look
- they can be stuffed to make a puffy heart
- plus, they are just really cute
I have two projects worked up that incorporate these hearts, but that is another story for another time. In the meantime, you can get creative by making your own. The basic Double Heart pattern is listed in my pattern box and can also be accessed here.
These are also really nice when made with wool yarn and felted. I made a little amigurumi heart similar to a needle knitted one pictured on the Mochimochi Blog. I love the hearts with the amigurumi look, and you will probably be seeing more amigurumi designs on my blog in the future.