Little Loomed Snowman
- 12 peg KK flower loom
- 5 or 6 peg spool loom.
- White 4 ply yarn,( and small amounts of red & green for hat)
- 7 Giant seed beads (4 black & 1 orange) for eyes,nose & buttons
- Black pipe cleaner or chenille stem for arms
- Yarn needle
- Tiny pompom for hat (red, green or white)
- Low temp glue & gun
- White heavy hand quilting thread and bead needle
- Craft or pillow stuffing
- One 1" Styrofoam ball for head
- 7 clear glass beads, small stones, or Poly Pellets for weight
Head & Body: With the 12 peg flower loom and white yarn, starting at head and working down, do drawstring cast on; knit for 36 rows. Cinch the drawstring cast on edge closed. Insert 1" Styrofoam ball up inside for head. (Note: I used the ball for the head on all my snowmen even if I used stuffing for the rest of their bodies for a neater appearance.) Stuff the rest of the body lightly and add about 7 glass beads or poly pellets for weight before you close the bottom opening. Thread white yarn onto yarn needle and thread it thru neck area and cinch it up to form the neck. Do the same with waist area.
Face & other features: Thread bead needle with white hand quilting thread and sew giant seed beads on head for a face: black for eyes and orange for nose. I didn't do a mouth. Sew black beads on body for buttons down the front.
Arms: Bend a tiny part of black pipe cleaner to hook into yarn needle eye and push needle and pipe cleaner thru middle section & out the other side of snowman for arms. Adjust arms until they look even and bend ends to look like fingers.
Scarf: Green or red yarn on 2 peg spool loom. Make a 30 row I-Cord.Tie off. Wrap & tie around neck area.
Hat: Using green or red yarn on 5 or 6 peg spool loom (I used a self made 6 peg Ioom), work a drawstring cast on and knit for 6 rows. Bind off loosely to make it look like a hat (Note: One suggestion would be to chain a stitch between each bind off stitch). Glue pom pom on top. Sew to top of snowman's head.
OPTIONAL: Add string to create a snowman ornament for your tree.
Angel Finger Puppet
Robin McCoy, from Rockin' The Loom blog and several Yahoo loom knitting lists, recently emailed me about an angel finger puppet she made which was inspired by Althea's Ghost Angel pattern.

- CO with drawstring cast on to the 8 peg end of the spool loom.
- Knit approximately 6 rows; cinch the cast on edge closed; knit 14 more rows for a total of 20 rows.
- BO with crochet bind off, chaining 3 stitches between each bind off stitch (Note: The ruffle look is cute for girl angels, but might just take it off with a loose gathered bind off and let it curl for boy angels).
- Tear a tissue in half or use a small amount of fiberfill and form a ball, stuff this down into the tube, toward the cast on edge. Use a yarn needle and thread to cinch up the neck of the angel.
- To make the wings, follow the same general instructions outlined for Althea's Ghost Angel, but use the 8 peg end of the spool loom and knit for the same 6 rows as the larger angel.
Thanks for sharing, Robin!