Showing posts with label making looms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label making looms. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lots of loomy resources

Typically, my blog posts relate to projects I'm working on or projects I've finished. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened in several months due to changes that have taken place in my home. Two of my grandchildren (ages 3 years and 20 months - both in diapers) have been living with my husband and I since June, so knitting has not been a major priority in this household. When they were first placed with me, I was reminded as to why younger folks by nature are the ones meant to raise the young ones. The first few weeks almost did me in, but there is a quote by Freidrich Nietzsche that goes: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Things are gradually getting better each day and as the cooler weather approaches, I feel the call of the looms.

Even though I've not been able to work directly on projects, my idea book has expanded greatly. I do have a project on the loom and a Lion Suede moccasin slipper that needs it's mate, but for now I'll focus on areas in the right sidebar of my blog which were updated but may have gone unnoticed. The first area added is called Online Resources, which includes links to articles and online tools to assist in your knitting endeavors. The other area is a link list to Loom Knitting Books & DVD's. If you have an item that you feel should be included in either list, please let me know by posting a comment.

One other item I wanted to include is a list of links I have accumulated for making looms. So many people live in areas where looms are not always available to them or for one reason or the other ordering a loom is not an option. In this case, the best solution is to make a loom. I posted this list on the KniftyKnitterLooms Yahoo Group, but wanted to include it here so folks that were not members of that group could access it. As I find new sources, I will update this list. Here's the list in alphabetical order (updated September, 2021):
Hopefully, you will find the links I've added to this blog helpful. Since we are settling into a routine around here, perhaps my next blog post won't be four months coming. Thank you for sticking with me in my absence.