The topic for today is the snood. Now, for those of you who don't know what a snood is, it is a type of headgear straight out of the Middle Ages wore by fashionable ladies of the day. Women of the World War II era, the 70's, and SCA members during recent years have reclaimed a love affair with the snood. Believe it or not, there has even been a movie about the snood called, The Taming of the Snood, but it didn't get very good reviews (imagine that). If you are interested in more historical snood facts, check here. For all you loom knitters that have longed for a snood pattern, the wait is over. Wendy Stevens, a very talented lady from the Yahoo loom knitting groups, has designed one for the Yellow Knifty Knitter Round Loom and is graciously sharing it with everyone. Since she doesn't have a blog, she sent me the pattern and pictures so I could post it on my blog to make it available for other loom knitters. Without further adieu, I give you Wendy's Snood. I have also listed it in the Pattern Box on the right sidebar.