12-peg Baby Gran Square (3 inches)
Here's another type of granny squares that I designed for the Knifty Knitter Looms and taught in Yahoo's Loom Class Group almost a year ago. I call these little squares, "Baby Gran" squares, because they are smaller than standard granny squares. Please note that these squares are made totally different from the original Granny-On-The-Loom Squares (GOTL). The GOTL squares are actual crochet stitches that are produced using two pegs on the knitting loom instead of a crochet hook. The Baby Gran squares are made using knit stitches that simulate crochet and incorporate all the pegs on the loom.
24-peg Baby Gran Square (4.5 inches)
The Baby Gran squares include two designs, a Baby Gran Square12 and a Baby Grand Square24. The 12-peg square incorporates the Knifty Knitter 12-peg Flower Loom and produces a 3 inch square. The 24-peg square is made on the 24-peg Blue Knifty Knitter round loom, which produces a 4.5 inch square. These can be made in solids or muliti-colors and assembled into afghans, blankets, bags, shawls or incorporated as trim on other projects. This is a fun, portable project, plus a great stash buster!
Assorted Baby Gran Squares