The late night TV programming has been intriguing lately: Deadly Women, Snapped, Who the [Bleep] Did I Marry?, Wicked Attraction, and my favorite - Tangled ......I know, I know, strange mix. So what has that got to do with knitting? Well, the kids are in bed, hubby is asleep in front of the computer, my is dog curled next to me so now I can knit and solve crimes at the same time while the rest of the household sleeps.
One of my recent fun projects was a loom knitted version of a needle knitted pattern, Acorn Tawashi by Marte Fagervik from Ravelry. I made mine in the round on the Knifty Knitter Long Loom without the loom clips. I've found that omitting the loom clips and just crossing over to the opposite side of the long loom works great for items such as a tawashi or a potholder and it helps the finished item to lay flat.
My loom knit version is actually a very loose translation of the original version and there are a number of things I would change if I made another one. What I want to do is create a similar acorn, but with different proportions (i.e., shorter body, bigger cap, etc.). Perhaps if I paid more attention to my knitting and less attention to the TV the acorn would have worked out right the first time.
May the bounty of the season fill your heart and home!