Saturdays here are pretty much the same around the old dome and yes, I live in a dome house (see right). It’s my DH’s only day off. (Also, just in case you’re not familiar with the DH abbreviation, check out Did you Know? The Use and Meaning of Internet Slang. A handy little bit of information in case you still live in the dark ages, like me, and have computer savvy kids communicate using these cryptic terms on IM). Anyhow, every Saturday we trek to Centre, Alabama where we hang around our cabin by the creek before journeying on to Cedar Bluff and over-eat at a place called Fibber’s, the best country buffet on the face of the earth. BTW - some of my best loom knitting has been done during the car trip from GA to AL and back. Today, the excitement of the usual routine was interrupted upon my arrival back at the dome. There on my doorstep was a package from DALooms containing my brand new ESG (3/8" Gauge) Wonderloom. I can hardly wait to test drive this baby on some of the projects that are dancing in my head. Yes, Christmas came early for me this year.